Saturday, October 3, 2009


今天,我们一起庆祝了老友雪云的生日。虽然是一个平静又简单的聚合,也没聊很多很多,希望雪云是开心的。天不作美啊,一直想以海边野餐方式来为朋友庆祝庆祝,可是总会下起雨来。我们简单的吃了一个普通的蛋糕,pizza, 拍拍照,送礼物。。。就这样两个小时多就过去了。


Saturday, May 9, 2009

流畅 Surfing

哇。。。从 dial-up 换去 streamyx, 网络世界突然变得多姿多彩。 哈哈。。。 可以做很多之前都不能做的东西,找我喜欢的东西。oh... my national geographic page!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sweating days

It has been really hot these weeks, the weather is changing... and unpredictable. Poor grandma with her backache, the weather must be torturing her. (plus, this little rat here) sigh... its meaningless for my repetitive apology, even myself, went bored with it. I'm angry at myself, hate it, and for didn't making any changes and move.

I know, I'm taking the consequences now, signs of red light seen in my health. But nevermind, I accept it as the way it is. The suffer may grow after this, and I have no idea what will happen. Yet, I'm grateful for every comfortable second I have now. I just hope ah mah and ah yeh safe, happy and healthy always. It's like what I wish for earlier, all suffer and illness come to me, and leave all the good and nice thing to my grandparents. They already encountered a lot in raising me.

Dear big sky, I'm still thankful for the sunny days, which are good to dry up our laundry and convenient for those who on trip and went out jalan-jalan. It makes possible for gathering with friends, and maybe a safer drive. Yet, I love raining days too. It helps to clean our surrounding, as if buildings, shops ad houses aroud us need to bath. Also, not forgetting the most important greenery part of our environment, the trees and plants. And off course, it would be a great relief to my grandma after the big flush :)


Monday, April 20, 2009


希望这一次能够认真的维持 《寻找。心》 ,我的第三个部落格。之前两个,都被我这不负责任的家伙给遗弃了。。。hontoni gome!


傍晚6点钟,还在公司努力的‘工作’,当然不包括写部落格,只是想让脑袋休息一下。 好了,还是继续工作吧。不然,又要留班了。
